A Day in the Life of an Interior Designer
Ever wonder what life is like as an Interior Designer? Here’s what Anne’s daily routine looks like:
6 am: I always start my day with a cup of black coffee. Water is for the weak.
9 am: I like to get to the office around 10 am, but most days I’m usually there by 9 because #GirlsGottaGrind. After chatting about our mornings, my team and I start prioritizing our work for the day.
10 am: *Alexa, play Work by Rihanna* because this is when I dedicate time to designing for clients or seeing new products.
11 am: Mid morning is either when I meet with vendors or clients (sometimes, it’s both). If we’re not meeting with clients in person, my team and I will present designs and concepts through Zoom video calls.
12-1 pm: Nobody got time (or the money) to eat lunch out everyday. “Lunch breaks” are rarely breaks for me, as I’m usually eating at my desk while on the computer. I cycle between either steak and broccoli or salmon and broccoli #MealPrepForTheWin.
2-4 pm: Designing, sourcing, and checking in with my team, oh my! Do not be fooled! I most definitely do not do it all. I am so thankful to have a fabulous and hardworking team by my side. They make my job a lot easier, and way more fun.
4 pm: If I have my sons, I’ll leave the office and get home to them. However, if they’re at their Dad’s that week, I’ll stay at the office until 6pm making sure that I’ve done everything I needed to do for the day!
7 pm: There’s only one way to end a work day: dinner and a glass of wine. Oh, you don’t finish the day with Chardonnay? Weird. *sips wine*
8 pm: Before I go to bed, I’ll look at my calendar so that I know what’s happening the next day. A girls gotta show up prepared! I’d be lying if I said I didn’t fall asleep to an episode of Game of Thrones. Or 3, but who’s counting? (Who’s watching the new season? #MarryMeJohnSnow #OrAegonTargaryen?)